Current Design Teams

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Invidiousness - The Seven Deadly Sins

Envy (also called invidiousness) is best defined as an emotion that
 "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality,
achievement, or possession and either desires it
or wishes that the other lacked it."

This week's HDH challenge  of
The Seven Deadly Sins
has proven to be just that, a challenge. 
I have scrapped two projects already and am less than pleased with
my current offering. I am being a weak ticket and I am offering up
this stunning array of awesomeness to feast your eyes upon
in an invidious manner.
I shall be farting my very own brand of bone dust this Friday,
when I turn into a 'forty-something'. Boo hiss!

This is a killer birthday gift sent from a dear friend, and 
soul sistah Minion, Andrea.
Can you feel the envy starting to creep in yet?

Did you see the European Hello Kitty PEZ, complete with
skully bow?!
How about now? Any signs of envy yet?

Check out these AMAZING embellies!!!
All totally handmade and so detailed!! She needs to be selling these!
Maggots, and eyeballs and coffins! Oh my!

Check out how teeny tiny these are!

These are so darn cool, and I can't wait to put some to
good use very soon!
Again, she should be selling these on Etsy. I'll keep ya posted.

Andrea made me this card using her very own art
of the cool punker zombie from my all-time favorite movie,
"Return of the Living Dead".

I am LOVING this embellishment!
The details are just wonderful on this card!

Here we have a beautiful journal and some killer barbed wire ribbon,
some custom handmade Hello Kitty embellishements (just for me!!),
and the cutest felted jack-o-lantern evah! 

How flippin' cool huh?!

Okay, I can't stand the sound of my own (internal) braggart's voice
any longer.
I am a very fortunate person to have met and made
long lasting friends with some of the coolest, most creative,
and generous people in blogland.

I will be "paying it all forward" very soon.
My season is approaching and I am feeling very 
generous with the "sweets".

Stay tuned.... 


  1. wow lucky girl!! how about her art? are you going to convince her to sell that too...DH would love a card made with a zombie he would recognize! all this stuff looks awesome! you know me...I'd buy!!

  2. I feel much ENVY over the Hello Kitty PEZ!!!! : )

    Luv You

  3. That is too much coolness in one place!!!!!


  4. Gah! Every time I come to your blog, I am surprised I don't get stricken down by lighting, due to my extremely invidiousness nature towards your cool stuff!!!!! I am envious for sure! But, you knew that. =0)

  5. Well I'm sure jealous! what a fab haul! Happy B-Day Chickie! xxD


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