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Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm a BIG weiner!!!!!

I am a huge weiner and I am proud!!!

So, I follow quite few blogs that have something to do with
Hallowe'en or horror. One of my favorites is
The cool guy who runs the show over there is John,
but the lady behind the masked man is named Jen.
She is very important to my
winning an awesome prize(s) from their recent giveaway.

I love me some True Blood. Russel Talbot and Pam are my
favorite characters, but as far as the beefcake goes,
Alcide gets my vote!
Now Freddy in Space wanted to know who the most romantic
character was on the show and why. I chose Alcide for his hotness
and the fact that he is/was so loyal to
Disco (I have bad veneers) Debby, and his heroism.
Tres romantique!
Now it was Jen's job to choose a winning submission from the over
100 entries, and she is so cool that she chose mine! 

Wanna see what I won?
So frigging cool right?!
I have never read the Sookie Stackhouse books since I started
watching the show, so it looks like I'm going to start.
Roddy McDowell is one of my favorite character actors of all time.
Ever since The Planet of the Apes films, and then as Peter Vincent
in Fright Night 1 and 2, I have enjoyed Mr McDowall's
performances. His birthday is also a day after mine.
Virgos rule! Great trading card!
There is always a need for a' grow in a jar' Dracula and a
killer sucker to break your fangs on! Unless they
are the cool rubbery ones like I got in my prize pack. 

Feast your eyes on the main attraction!!
That's right! The new True Blood palette from
Tarte Cosmetics!! In a beautiful corset box to boot!

The colors are named after things in the True Blood series,
like 'waitress' and 'telepath'. The colors are so sparkly and
vivid too! Just gorgeous make-up.

So thank you to John and Jen from
You guys ROCK!!!!



  1. huge congrats! this all sounds so cool! you'll have to keep us updated on how the books are... I'm dying to see season4(I buy the series so I can watch it all at once) congrats again!

  2. Excellent I am so glad you won. Looks fab and superb colours in the eye makeup box. Congrats xx

  3. The books are 100,000,000,000 times better than the show (though I completely LOVE the show)you are going to not want to put the books down!!! I have read all of them at least 5 times (the fourth book a lot more because it was my fav!!)

  4. Contrats Glo, what a fantastic prize. Enjoy:)

    Fiona. x

  5. So I just had to say..... I'M SO FREAKING JEALOUS!!! hahahahahaha! That is AWESOME! Congrats!

    Danielle a.k.a. FitterTwit

  6. ohhhh wow!!1 fab prize!!! Alcide is my fave too, followed closely by sam, but he can be a bit of a sap so just like him cos his hotness!!! lol x

  7. Wow, you are a lucky wiener. LOL. You will love the Sookie Stackhouse series. I love love love them. #4 is my favorite and after reading it you'll be team Eric. All the way. Congrats, Creepy.


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