Current Design Teams

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Appalling Apothecary

The Macabre Monday challenge at HDH this week is
Appalling Apothecary.  

I have been compiling my own Apothecary collection on
my mantle for about a year or so now.
I have some antique books, some specimen bugs, candles,
and creepy bits and bobs.
I have taken pictures of my mantle before, so I wanted to
show you something totally new.

I got this awesome little cabinet for my birthday.
My friends are finally catching on as to how easy I am to shop for.
Thrift store finds are my favorites!!! 

I took all nine of my Tim Holtz corked vials and
transformed them into bottles of various tinctures,
poisons, and remedies.

I printed out a bunch of poison labels I had been
saving for just such a project. I glued them on the bottles
and placed them on the shelves in an eye pleasing manner. 

I also added some of my miniature sculptures from my personal 
collection to fill in the blank spots.
If you are in need of some cute, hand sculpted gourds for your
own personal collection, please visit my Etsy shoppe.

Uh oh! Someone left the lid off the Zombie Virus!!!

I had a blast making these little bottles and may be heading to 
Mike's tomorrow to pick up some more with my 40% off coupon!

There is still plenty of time left to get in on the action for this
week's challenge at Haunted Design House


  1. I love what you did with that cabinet. It's perfect!

  2. LMAO! OMG I love it! heheeee
    Zombie virus... you crack me up.

  3. These are tooo cute, I love them.
    I see a trip to Michael's myself, lol

  4. this is so cool! glad you saw that i saved your card!

  5. Gloria, this is awesome and you know you are one talented and creepy lady. lol, just kidding, but you can do creepy.. awesome. I love all your little trinkets and that shelf is just perfect for these.


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