Current Design Teams

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

HDH101 Kreepy Kids

Wow, I just want to take a moment and
thank everyone who took the time to hop
with us last week.
We had a really good showing from the
creepier side, and even some "norms" braved the hop as well.
I am glad we could all come together in the name of Vincent.

This week we have what most think, is a fun challenge.
Show us your kreepy kids!
No, not the ones you gave life to, but the ones that reside, neglected
in your craft room. Maybe they didn't start out kreepy, but
I'm sure you can figure out a way to make them
into less than desirable little people.

I did....
Sort of a public service announcement if you will.

Took me a few minutes to come up with the perfect sentiment.
Once I did, everything else fell right into place.

I got these wonderfully wretched images from
Just a little fussy cutting and some pop dots
and this critter is creeped out! 

I have had this wonderful array of horrible images
for quite some time, so I guess that's a destash right there.
I also have a bunch of vintage Hallowe'en images, and some new
"Curio Cabinet Curiosities", that I just had to have. 
I won't wait this long to use them though.

You still have plenty of time to put something
wretched and kreepy together for our challenge this week
All the kreepy cool kids are doing it!  


  1. That sentiment is so darn perfect for this card. Superbly creepy x

  2. Creeptastic! Honestly, this couldn't be any better!

  3. Those are super creepy! Well done again.


  4. Seriously, couldn't be more creepy. Ought to keep more than a few from fearing the dreaded "back to school". Teachers are obviously WAY underpaid. I love it! xxD


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