Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wicked Wednesday - HDH097 Loathsome Lotharios

The new challenge at Haunted Design House is
Basically, a guy who is a total player.
He'll take your money, your love and your dignity.
If you're one of the few who has never encountered
such a scoundrel, count yourself quite lucky.

I chose a quote from one of my all time favorite TV shows,

"Nip Tuck".

Doctor Christian Troy is a true douche bag
in every sense of the word. 
He's probably fun to be with for an evening, but don't
get comfortable ladies. He's been known to make women
wear a bag over their heads during intimacy before.
Real nice guy, right? 

I went with a very unfamiliar color scheme for this one.
I dunno why, but I just don't reach for blue very often.
I did reach for it this time, along with one of the 
Tickled Pink's "Lil' Lads - Lestat".
He looks brooding and in need of some female companionship.
I like it!

Drop by Haunted Design House and check out the 
eye candy from the rest of the Minions.
Maybe even get inspired to play along


  1. OK, so first I have to say, AWESOME! I love this creation, especially the ocean of blues! Wonderful!

    Next I have to say ... um ... you regularly watch a television show that features a character who sometimes asks his "conquests" to wear a face-covering bag in order to become a conquest?

    You must have excellent control.

    My television would be filled with bits from the shoe I shoved through it with my foot!

    ha ha ha. :)

  2. This is one amazingly coloured card. The shading on his jacked is wonderful. It is also one superbly layed out card. The guy sounds like a total pri#* though haha. x

  3. OH MY GOSH Glo, we ahve more in common that I thought. Nip/Tuck is my favorite show ever. I was heart broken when it ended. I have all the seasons on DVD, but the very last one. It is not a show for everyone though.
    You did an awesome job on Lestat and I love the whole black and blue color scheme. I think he ended up black and blue in more ways than one on the show. lol. Hope you are doing good.


Feel free to comment or just vent.