Wednesday, May 4, 2011

HDH087 Freaker's Free for All!!

This week's challenge at HDH is one of my favorites,
Freaker's Free for all!
What this means is, whatever bizarre, unsavory, unnerving,
bit of strangeness you can muster, just might win you a title!
If you have a project that doesn't really fit any other challenge blog
criteria, we want you!!

That being said, I have a couple of (finally) finished
projects to share with you.

I have added more gourds to my garden.
I love the "Fairy Tale" punkins and always
make a mummy or Jack Skellington every year
out of their sickly white flesh.

More happy Jacks awaiting a new home.
New listings are going up today/tomorrow on Etsy

The sTeaMpUnKinS are all fired up and ready to
start chugging along towards Autumn.

And finally, my lovely cherubs.
I am so stoked with how these turned out! I know they are
a bit offensive when my husband (is that thumping I hear?)
is not a fan! Yeah! Mission accomplished!!

Aww! Isn't he just an angel?

So, I'm thinking lapel pins for the smaller ones and this
big guy gets a couple of magnets so he can oversee
the happenings in the kitchen.

Bring out yer dead, your decomposed, your unmentionables!
Just play along with us this week at Haunted Design House!!  



  1. I adore your Jacks Gloria. Great design and colouring. Keep them coming.

  2. Those whitey coloured ones are freakin brilliant the look on the tall ones face is hilarious he looks like an evil genius. Love love love your punkins (each and every one you do is unique and wonderful) x


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