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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wicked Wednesday - Zombie Apocalypse in pictures

So my Macabre Monday project did not go as planned.
I am working on another "something", but wanted to 
bring you some Kitty Zombie Lovin' to keep you 
satisfied until I complete, said project. 

This concludes my Wicked Wednesday offering.
Hopefully, I'll be back tomorrow with a real,
CreepyG original zombie creation.
I will try not to crumble under the pressure to create something
truly amazing. I'll try, but I kinda think that was my downfall
the first time around. 


  1. OMG hahahahahaha I am laughing so much. Gotta love the baby with the cat but the others are classic too.

    Just thought I would let you know I got the skulls too safe and sound. Thanks.

  2. oh my zombie lord, you are totally winning on post...

  3. Hehe these are hilarious. RE the shrink plastic you have an oven dedicated to that? Didn't even know they did that. I am terrible with the shrink plastic it always looks all bumpy and rubbish I used my heat gun. x


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