Current Design Teams

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wicked Wednesday - HDH083 Magically Witchy

Is it Hump Day already?!

This week's Macabre Monday challenge is sponsored by
There is $10 worth of digital goodness up for grabs
this week.

The challenge is simple.
Make something magically witchy.

I used some of the killer Zodiac Tiny Tickets for my card.

These come in a set of 12, so you have one for every month
which makes it nice for birthdays and those friends who like
the whole astrological theme.

Each ticket has really detailed art of the zodiac
in the center, along with other corresponding
zodiac symbols decorating every bit of the ticket.
Really nice set to have on hand for all kinds of projects.

I used each month's birthstone to figure the color
of each ticket. After coloring each one with Copics,
I fussy cut each ticket and aged it a bit with distress inks.

I am planning on making a set of these to keep on hand
for each month just in case I forget some one's special day.

I have another Stitchy project using the "Dem Bones" silhouettes,
but my battery croaked before I could get any photos. I'll post them tomorrow.

Please join us this week at HDH's  Macabre Monday challenge
and drop by Stitchy Bear Digital Stamps and check out all the
amazing images you could choose from if you are this week's 



  1. Oo there is something quite creepy about this. Fantastic card and what a great idea to have these on hand. x


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