Current Design Teams

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Summer Zombie preview - Betty

Today's Summer Zombie sneak peek is...

Zombie Betty!!!!

So fun to make these zombies into
such sweet and colorful cards.
I usually make the hair on characters really
bright and nontraditional, but this time I flipped
the script a bit and made the skin really bright
and left the hair very normal colored. 

I had to throw in a brain, pink this time, and
use it as a center for my fleur. Such a fun accent
for these images.

I'll be back tomorrow for yet another 
Zombie sneak peek, before the long awaited
release on Friday at Simply Betty Stamps.  


  1. OOOh, a pink and girly Bwain! Lovin' the summer colors! xxD

  2. Wow your brain looks amazing in the middle of that flower. Love your card it is perfect. x

  3. OH killer idea with the fleur!! You make me wanna steal all your stuff.

  4. Oh she looks good blue and looooooooove those brains!


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