Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011!!!!!

Happy New Year!!

I've had this Alice image form Tiddly Inks for some time now
and when I snagged the 2011 freebie from Delicious Doodles
I immediately knew I had to put the two together for my New Year card. 

Alice was holding a clock originally and I added the 2011 medallion
to cover the clock face. I dropped an uncapped blue Copic on her face, so I just used another head from the digi image and viola! You almost don't notice that deep shadow surrounding her head /hair huh? It looks better than the blue mark did. I also broke out with one of my new embossing folders and ended up cutting it out of the paper as opposed to using the entire sheet.
I was not about to cover up this awesome DP from the uber generous
Nikki is Oh Alice's very first sponsor of the new year, and she totally hooked us up
with some gorgeous papers and embellishments for each DT member to showcase.

Stay tuned for the first challenge of the new year from Oh Alice! coming Jan. 8th. 


  1. Seriously girly, I was just marveling at the depth you created and here I find out it was a booboo. I'd say "happy accident"! LOVE it! Happy New Year! xxD

  2. Awesome, AWESOME job!!! I'm with Donna on this one, definitely a happy accident! This card is AMAZING!!!

  3. Super card! Love how you combined all the elements in this card! Another fab job!


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