Current Design Teams

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tardy for the Party - part deux

**This is my second catch up post for the day**
**Scroll down for my final Oh Alice! DT project.**

HDH073: Smudgetastic  

This week's Macabre Monday challenge is to color your image(s) with
pencils, charcoal, pastels, chalks, etc., giving a smudged appearance.

I have never thrown away a card I was working on simply because it
was not salvageable. Today, I threw away two cards.
Geesh! Who'd have thought that a smeared or smudged card
would be so hard to create?!
I threw in the towel and just made a cute little card with minimal smudges.

The awesome bat image was drawn by our newest addition to
the dungeon, Andrea! This chick is so talented in so many mediums.
She is quite an inspiration and a fount of new blood for our little gathering here.

The entire DT got to play with some of Andrea's killer
digital images.  There were so many to choose from that I went
totally retro and used an image that she sent to me eons ago! 
I LOVE this little guy!

I also used a Tiddly Inks freebie image for the smudged portion
of my card. I went over it with a Versamark pen and then clear 
embossed it to make it stand out after all of my distressing. I also 
used a circle Spellbinder and embossed it with swirls from my
Cuttlebug folder. Then I added some metallic  purple pigment ink
and heat embossed it with an iridescent powder. 
Note to self: Emboss with folder afterIcutting the image with a Spellbinder. 
Otherwise, you end up flattening your embossing when you
run it through the Sizzix. Duh!

Drop by the Haunted Design House blog and and show
me how easy this challenge was for you!     


  1. Wow I can't get over how classy this looks. You have done wonders, thank you so much for making one of my images look like this. Superb (only to be said with a NY accent) xx

  2. OOOhhh, love the batty and the embossing on the sentiment is fab! Well worth waiting for! xxD

  3. this is an awesome card.
    I love all the techniques you used!!!


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