Current Design Teams

Friday, January 21, 2011

Simply Betty Sketch Challenge

This week's challenge at Simply Betty is a killer sketch from
that crazy talented cat lady, Cheri/Graphicat.

I decided to use "Devil Rio" on this one.
I didn't ever get a chance to use this image at Hallowe'en,
but thought she'd make a really cute Valentine's Day/love card.

I've been having really good luck with my coloring when I use this
combo and I figured why mess with a good thing?
I do think I am getting, "pinked out" though.

These poison tickets are the only tickets I own. They are part of a 
really cool digital sheet I have with apothecary labels that I got on
Etsy a long time ago. I colored the wording in with coordinating Copics. 

I really like how these green gems pop. I went over the already
green gems with my FYG2 Copic to give them a nice fluorescent glow.

I am quite pleased with this card and I have Cheri to thank for
creating such a great sketch to inspire me.
Drop by Simply Betty Challenges and join in on the fun.
This week's winner will get some cool papers and chipboard bits
from the "Crazy Love" collection by Bo Bunny.


  1. I LOVE those poison tickets they are way wicked. Love your card and you should prolly use pink cos your colouring is just amazing. x

  2. Deliciousness on top of gorgeousness!!! I love the colors and your interpretation of Cheri's sketch!! It's so pink and lovey!!

    Gorgeous hun!


  3. I love those tickets, I actually just got some myself I've been dying to use. =) I love LOVE this color combo..mind sharing it with us peons? Amazing work, as always.

  4. heheheeeee....So the Crazy Cat lady says
    AWESOME!!!! You are a maniac with them Copics girl! Amazing colours! I love this card!
    Friggin awesome!

  5. Bitchin'!! Am I allowed to say that?!! Cheri's right - you are a maniac with those Copics!! Impressive!!

  6. this is simply darling Glo...I love how you used a Halloween image...I just printed one off to try and do this challenge to. Your colors are spot on girl...but they always are...this is simply Amazing...


  7. I'm lovin' those gems and the poison tickets rock! Your card is fabulous!

  8. I LOVE everything about this card!


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