Current Design Teams

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Chapter 42: The Flowers are Talking!

CHAPTER 42: The Flowers are Talking!

`O Tiger-lily,' said Alice, addressing herself to one that was waving gracefully about in the wind, `I wish you could talk!'

`We can talk,' said the Tiger-lily: `when there's anybody worth talking to."

Alice was so astonished that she could not speak for a minute: it quite seemed to take her breath away. At length, as the Tiger-lily only went on waving about, she spoke again, in a timid voice -- almost in a whisper. `And can all the flowers talk?'
`As well as all can,' said the Tiger-lily. `And a great deal louder.'

Today at Oh Alice! we are thrilled to be sponsored by the awesome
digital  artistic stylings of Some Odd Girl Digis.
Kristy has been so generous as to gift each of the DT an image to 
create with and is also offering three free images to this week's winner.

This is "Cold Kitty Tia".

She is such a cutie!

The actual challenge at OA! is to make your own fleurs.
I fashioned mine from an old dictionary and some fleur punches.
I inked them a bit to match Tia and voila!

C'mon and get odd!!  


  1. I never thought I would say this to you but this is possibly one of the cutest pink cards I have ever seen. You rock at colouring with pink, your flowers are as my MIL would say "they are to die for!!!" fabulous work and love the image x

  2. That is the cutest card.... Love that image.

  3. Oh as SWEET as can BE!!!! LOVE your fleurs! xxD

  4. This is gorgeous. I love her outfit and your flowers are beautiful!

  5. OK gorgesou flowers! SA-WEET little girl image! And this card is sooo pretty. It took me by surprise for a moment to see your name on it! LOL Very cute Glo!

  6. She turned out so cute! I almost picked her, now I wish I did. Great coloring.

  7. Ohh I love this! Love the colors and those flowers are Amazing!


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