Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Vampire Club and my haunted vignettes

I have a new boyfriend, only he doesn't know it. His name is "Voltaire", and not
only is he gorgeous in a gothic sort of way, but he is a phenomenal artist and musician.
He writes and performs some hilariously fun songs themed around dead things
and Hallowe'en and schtuff.
He also creates the wickedly bizarre intros for MTV and Fangoria TV promo spots.
Check out more of his brilliance on YouTube.

Now I would like to invite you into my parlour to peruse my
Hallowe'en decorations and vignettes.
This is my apothecary display.
I have been working on the bottles and jars for weeks, adding
labels and ingredients to each one. Great fun!  

The vintage style devil lantern is one of most cherished decorations.
I wish Illuminations was still in business, they had the coolest Hallowe'en stuff.

Here is my toilet paper tube and hot wax candle.
So fricken cool and cheap to make!
Just drop in a battery operated tea light and you have
illuminated perfection without the mess and danger of fire! 

My crystal ball and Gryphon stand that I have had for eons!
Plus a really cool skeleton bust I got on clearance last year at Mike's.
The skeleton hand and tarantula is an awesome snow globe.
Do you call it a bat globe if it has bats instead of snow?  

Now we get into the bugs.
What is a "Creepy Glowbugg" without her creepy bugs?

My husband about died when I unwrapped this little gem.
He hates spiders and the thought of this thing coming at him in the 
jungles of Malaysia kinda made him mad.
Good thing we live in California. 

The bug in the upper left reminds me of the Misfits skull, but is actually a 
"Human Face Bug". Cool huh? 

More bugs and devils and jars.

This is my "Creepeeville" village.
I painted and adorned the houses myself and then 
created all the little inhabitants to go in the village. 

Some of my vintage pieces, like the tambourine and the noisemakers.
All handed down from my dearly departed Grandparents, the Marcoms. 

My creepiest friend, Katt gave me this killer fountain for my
birthday one year.
 We are still trying to come up with a realistic blood that
won't gunk up the pump.
More schtuff.

Grandma (my husband's) would not be thrilled to see her hutch decorated in such a way.
The again, Grandma is pretty down with the cause.
Cause she loves me!

More coolness.

Cool jar with a skull inside on a fancy pillow and my
favorite lenticular picture. 

Even the masks get a Hallowe'en spin.
And let's not forget the mummy cat too!

My very favorite sign, before you enter the living room.
 "Free Rusty Lancets for the Kiddies!"

The kitchen gets some goodies too!

Did you get your bottle of "Zombie Zin" this year at Cost Plus?
Oh, you better believe I did!

Lastly, is the "Candy Man".
He reminds me of the preacher who tried to marry Beetlejuice and Lydia
in "Beetlejuice".
LOVE him!!

Thanks for schlepping' along with me on my little tour of my home.
Happy Hallowe'en!!!  


  1. omg this is amazing, how much time and effort this is the coolest halloween display I have ever seen, I am so jealous x

  2. Wow Glo! Spooktacular decorations(and love the vid)! Happy Halloween, ghoulfriend! xxD

  3. Your house is amazing ! I love it.

  4. Happy Halloween... may there be treats, not tricks...

  5. You definitely have a Halloween paradise here! If my daughter saw this, she would be coming to your house to stay. Halloween is her fav! Just pure awesomeness my twisted sister!!

  6. oooh! I want to come and look at each piece on by one. I love what you do for Halloween. Your village looks great! I can do without the bugs even the the face on is cool looking! Tfs Happy Halloween!


  8. The house looks fab-u-lous, Glo!! Have a great night!!!

  9. Wow you put me to shame this year. Great decorations. I just have not been in the mood to deck out my whole house like usual and throw the big party like I normally do due to the fact that we just buried my cousin a few weeks back. Maybe next year you and I can have a contest. LOL

  10. I love your vintage goodies and your mantle looks so great! That spider would seriously freak me out, too!!

  11. Holi crap Gloria!!! If I ever came over I wouldn't be able to visit with you for about an hour!! LOL!! my favorite is the village. Awesome job!! Love your stuff!!

  12. This is just awesome! Love the spooky tour. I love all the love that went into your spooky home. Just fabulous!

  13. WOW!!! I cant gt OVER these displays! Wahhh I want to come trick or treating (and then stamping!) at your house!!!

  14. Ok, I'm so stealing this idea. I wanted a way to show of my stuff to those who don't see it. God you're smart. Tidbit-I've found that Mr. Clean lemon scented and a little water works very well in that fountain. It glows in the black light. It's a very yellow green color.

  15. Just stumbled across your site after googling "Illuminations halloween devil lantern" I have mine somewhere in storage and was just thinking about how badly I need to find it. They DID have awesome halloween stuff!!! So glad I have at least that, but wish I had more! Just started following you! Love your site!!! Love Halloween!


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