Current Design Teams

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hallowe'en in Wonderland

With the final challenge of the month falling so close
to my beloved Hallowe'en, the Oh Alice! team is celebrating as only we can
with a "Hallowe'en in Wonderland" free for all!!

These odd little fellows are the artistic renderings of Lily Chilvers
When I first saw her Alice in Wonderland characters I knew they
were destined for my Oh Alice! challenge cards.
Right up my creepy little alley!

These guys (Dee and Dum) are my favorite image from Lily's AIW line,
but I can't even begin to narrow it down between all
of her other amazingly odd and unique characters.

The card?
Oh yeah, I colored it with Copics  and made my own little tickets
after I received some a while back from my Master, Barb.
They were actual tickets with "Trick" and "Treat" printed on each one.
I couldn't bring myself to use them as I only have one of each,
but decided to make my own until I can buy more to hoard. 
I also used that fabulous webbed ribbon in the middle but found that
the adhesive I used was still tacky where the weave was open,
so I dumped a bunch of glitter on it and rubbed it into the adhesive.
No more tacky than I originally meant for it to be.

Happy Hallowe'en Eve and drop in tomorrow for more
Hallowe'en goodness!


  1. OMG what a brilliant idea with the glitter!! So clever!! The tickets are cool and I love the images. I went to her site yesterday for the first time. CUTE!!! Enjoy your Halloween like I know you will!

  2. LOVE this - the funky colours and odd little fellas - totally awesome!

  3. tickets are well cool, love this card x

  4. Oh Glo!!!! I ADORE this! Too too cute for words! (great idea with the glitter!) xxD

  5. I just love what you did with Dee and Dum!! Awesome card!

  6. ACK! LOVE these guys!!! Great card, and I'll see if I can dig up any more tickets for you :)

  7. These guys are so cute in that creepy kind of way. Love the card, colors, everything.

  8. It seems so fitting that the Creepy Glowbugg would have glowing eyes on the Tweedles! Love the colors, the net ribbon, the paper, so cool! Great card.


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