Current Design Teams

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Zombie heads WIP

I was contacted through Etsy by a great lady
who was looking at the goods in my little shoppe
and requested a custom piece.

She was requesting a Zombie centerpiece
for a fundraising table for Shriner's Children's Hospital in Utah.
How could I say no?! 

Being a bit unsure of what exactly she was envisioning,
I made two sets of Zombie heads.
One set being more cartoonish and cute, the other more
realistic and gory.
Those were the "cartoony heads" using colored polymer clay.
I also added mica powders to the clay prior to baking for a cool
metallic or pearlized effect.

These are the more realistic ones.
They are just in white polymer clay which
I will paint with acrylics, once they are baked.

We decided on a Zombie couple on a date.    

I still have to add hair and more of a forehead and what not.
Oh, and bodies too.
This set will be for my own personal amusement or for an upcoming
craft fair, as my "client" chose the more cartoony vibe for the kids.
Go figure.

Nothing is baked yet, so any feed back or
honest criticism is greatly appreciated.


  1. WOW these are so amazing, the details are so brilliant, the brain, the bow, the lips and on and on these are so freakin fantabulous that I had to put two words together just to express how amazing they are, I bow in respect of your awesome talents x

  2. I think they look great! I love the cartoony ones and would love to see the others when they are complete. I always wanted to play with polymer, some day.

  3. Oh I am in love if that is possible with a Zombie. The two cartoony ones are awesome. Love the pearlized effect. you have done a wonderful job.

  4. OMG, these are frickin' FANTASTIC! Can't wait to see them all finished. WOW! xxD

  5. Oh you are tooooo clever - these are ALL amaxingly fun and spooktacular!

  6. They look so freakin cool. Love the couple.

  7. You go girl! These are even more amazing that I pictured in my head! You are one talented chick!

  8. Oh wow!! I was so curious about these when you said what you were making! Are they ever cute!!


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