Current Design Teams

Friday, July 23, 2010

Creepy Cutie Arigato

A very good friend of mine just returned from a trip abroad, to Japan.
Ya, I know. Must be nice. And it was!
She brought back some souvenirs, so I had to make her a thank you card.
I used this little cutie, sent to me from my partner in crime, Barb.
I added a touch of color with Copics and some distress ink, and then these little black pearls fit perfectly over her eyes and her spider's body.
Too cute!
I was just fascinated by the stories she told of the culture there and how
they don't have many public garbage cans, because people keep their garbage with them until they get home.They don't have paper towels in the public restrooms (using the term very loosly). Instead everyone carries washcloths or little hand towels of their own to use. 
She said it was immaculate there as well. I don't know about you, but when I see pictures of Japan, it reminds me of Times Square in New York. Must be filthy!
Not Japan!

Oh, ya wanna see what she brought me back from Japan?
Um, ... thanks!
She said these were everywhere, and by the end of her trip she had no more self restraint, and had to buy one.
Now, who to give it to?
I was the super lucky recipient of this "Humping Dog".
He plugs into any USB port, and well, he humps away!
My husband took it to work and it was quite a hit!
She also brought back Hello Kitty (another collection/obsession) swag, and some goodies from Disneyland in Japan.

Now for the piece de resistance!!!! 
How fricken' cool is this mask?!
He's a demon, known as "Oni". 
Now why would she think I would want something so scary and ominous in my house?
Because he is about #54 in my recent tally of masks in my collection.  
Isn't he awesome?!
I have yet to hang him up until I can settle on a prominent place to display him.
I have some really cool masks from Peru (another devil mask, but he has more  of a creepy- guy vibe), some from Indonesia, Africa, the Pacific Islands, and some from Ross and Cost Plus too!
I will take some photos and share more of my various and numerous collections with you very soon.
It's an illness, but I'll share anyway.
Come back later this evening (6PM CST), for the


  1. LOVE this car and that humping dog is too cute hahahahahaa i too am i collector of the strange and wonderful and anything to do with hello kitty hehehehehe i wanna see more masks xxxxxxx

  2. super fantastic card for a super fantastic friend, what amazing pressies she brought you back very thoughtful, very cool mask have heard of oni before excellente x

  3. ADORABLE card, Creepy and hmmm... your 'prises are quite interesting. I get the mask, but the humping dog? Something you're not telling us? (OOOH, sorry, JK!) I have LOADS of people I'd love to send one to. LOL xxD

  4. Great card, Creepy! LOVE me some Stampotique :) And that mask is seriously SICK... can't wait to see your other ones! And the humping dog thing... ummm... yeah.

  5. Cute card! And does it make you wonder what that says about you when your friend brings you back a humping dog? hee hee JK!

  6. Thanks for my beautiful card Gloria!! That image always reminds me of Shiloh when she had her "pet" black widow, Charlotte.
    Glad you like your demon mask and the other goodies :-)


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