Current Design Teams

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Birthday Wishes

One of my dearest (and oldest) friends is having a birthday today.
I called her last night to wish her a happy birthday for today, since she was going out of town first thing in the morning. 
Her response was, "Where's my fancy card?".
Now if it was any one else, I would have told them their
fancy card was at the fancy card store.
But, since it was Dani, and since she is probably getting a 
little senile at her age, I let it pass. 
I know she reads my blog pretty regularly, and I didn't want
to ruin the surprise of this card, so I waited to post it,
and forgot to send it!
Luckily, she is out of town and I can drop it in the mail today.
When she gets back on Saturday, she'll have a fancy card to open.
I used my Copics to color these rhinestones. They were clear to begin with.
I was running my mouth to a fellow DT member about how you can color anything with
Copics, including these cool, faceted baubles she had on her recent post.
Well, she informed me that I was sadly mistaken and that after trying to color them with her Copics, they were not attractive at all.
Sorry Eulanda.
I'll just stick to coloring ribbon and rhinestones.


  1. Gorgeous fancy card, Creepy :) Your old senile friend should love it :) Beautiful coloring... all the way down to the rhinestones!!

  2. WOW this card is stunning i love this image and the colours are amazing, she is love it

  3. BROL!! OMG I'm sitting here killing myself laughin! You're hilarious! The gems look awesome BTW and I do have enough that I'm going to definitely do that! Love this card wow! You outdid yourself. Hey I happen to have a friend like this too. I was late tho so I had to send her 2 cards then she was happy. LOL!!

  4. This is just gorgeous!!! LOVE the colour combo you went with!

  5. this is gorgeous, I so love the colours you have chosen and the colouring is perfect x

  6. this will make her day Glo!!! It's beautiful...and I soo wish I could color like's perfect...your colors and, well the whole damn thing...PERFECT!!!!



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