Current Design Teams

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Vile Vintage - HDH041

Just in under the wire!
Here is my entry in this week's Macabre Monday challenge.
The theme is "Vile Vintage", and when I started looking for images, I found some
slightly disturbing, old photos of kids(?) in their Halloween costumes.
I think the old masks were sooooo uber creepy!
My mom put on a bunny mask from circa  1975, and scared the bejesus outta me with the damn thing! Granted, I was 5 at the time, but I still carry the scar from it obviously.
This one definitely falls under the WTF?! category.
This was just too creepy not to use!
Purty fleur and a candy corn pin to finish it all off!

Gotta get this posted before the deadline! 

!@#%**Damn, damn, damn!#$@!
Why can't I ever remember the deadline time?!
Looks like I had better get an earlier start next week.


  1. LOVE the vintage photos! That one is DEFINITELY in the WTF? category :) Thanks for playing along with Macabre Monday {even though you were TOTALLY late ;)}

  2. OMG, Creepy! I NEVER would have gone trick or treating if I met any of these vile creatures. That one looks like Ku Kluz Klan in training and WHAT was that other mask MADE OF? EWWWWW!!! Too bad you missed the deadline. LOVE this! xxD

  3. This is SO AWESOME! Have I told you how much I hate you recently? =) Because you're so damn talented! Honestly, this is amazing. I love love love how creepy it is, where ever did you find such scary pictures?


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