Current Design Teams

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Truebie or not truebie HDH043

This week's Macabre Monday over at Barb's is a True Blood challenge.
I have been a vampire fan since I first saw the original "Dracula", and then my 'thirst'
was further whetted with the wonderful ramblings of
Anne Rice and her fanged lovelies, Lestat and Louis. 
I used some red vellum and punched it with the MS drippy goo punch.
Then I added Stickles for some glimmer.
Nice bow.
Only took 1/2 yard of ribbon and 15 minutes!

If you are easily offended by juvenile drawings and dirty words
DO NOT scroll down to the next card.
You have been warned!
I had some goodies left over from the first card,
so I decided a second card was in order.
Love the little mud puppy!!!!
This is the inside of the card.
It's the actual sign from the show, and I had to do some
hunting to find it unedited like this.

LOVE the show.
Lafayette is my favorite character and Eric and Pam are my
favorite vampires.
I decided not to read the books once I started watching the show.
Too many indiscrepancies, and the adaptations are never as good as the books.

Enough fun time. 
I'm off to work on Father's Day cards (still!). 


  1. OMG, how GREAT! I've only watched a few True Blood episodes. DH is not really a fan and it seems I only watch TV at night before we go to sleep. Bummer, I noticed the season 1 was on On Demand but I think I missed it. I need to research before I do Macabre Monday. I DO know that this is FAB! xxD

  2. Fantastic!! Both of them! Lovin' the shimmery dripping blood and the Tru-Blood ad... perfect! Thanks so much for playing along with Macabre Monday!

  3. OH WOW! This is very cool and duh - red vellum!! I used red cardstock on my last card but that is a waaaay beter idea. COOL!

  4. fantastic cards, both of them. Love the blood dripping hehe. x

  5. Awesome. Fabulous. Amazing. I LOVE these!!! :-)Traci

  6. Funny! Love the dripping punch here and the ad is fab!

  7. ohhhh....those are great! the drippy goo!....and with shimmer!....


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