Current Design Teams

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sanguine Serenade The Burtonesque Dolls Challenge #9

This is my first official challenge as a DT for the fabulous Burtonesque Dolls,
and I'm late!

Your challenge is to create a "Poster Board" to advertise a Tim Burton Vampire flick! Simply Betty Stamps is releasing this fun Burton like vampire line: The Victorian Vampires digis tomorrow Wednesday the 30th of June! It even coordinates with the Eclipse release... yep I know that it's not a burton film, but the line is all about vampires!
Head over to TBD blog and play along!

Well, I think it was worth waiting for....
I am rather pleased with the final outcome.
It was a hard time coming though.
I pondered, and brainstormed, and even hit up the kid and the DH for inspiration.
My son helped out a ton, and then the ol' thesaurus really drove it all home!!!
I loves me reference materials!
I ended up drawing the tree and the moon in, after noticing how
sparse my poster was compared to the other fabulous posters by the rest of the Dolls.
Here is the tag line.

(I had Jack posing with the poster originally, but he wouldn't hold
still and the pictures were all blurry.)

Better late than never.
I'm getting a jump on next week's challenge so I'll post on time! 


  1. I LOVE the colors you chose and the whole composition! Very cool!!!

  2. Just brilliant! the colors

  3. Awesome work! LOVE your coloring, and that hand drawn tree is fabulous!

  4. Great job! Better late than NEVER! Adorable title and the images are a hoot! Love this and congrats on your first "offical" challenge. xxD

  5. This turned out AWESOME!!! I LUV that you drew the tree! They need to make a stamp that looks like that. I'd buy it! Your coloring is awesome too BTW. Can't wait to see your next creation!!

  6. This is just toooo fabulous! LOVE your layout, and your movie name is awesome!!! Definately worth waiting for!!!


  7. well how the heck did I miss this....this turned out screams Burton...not to mention that you drew your tree and go girl...awesom job Doll!!!!



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