Current Design Teams

Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's official...

Well, it's official!
I am the newest DT member of The Burtonesque Dolls!
I was kinda gobsmacked when Betty asked me to be a part of such a cool
collection of ladies and their talents.
Stay tuned for my Burton inspired creations!! 
I made this card using "Betty" from the My Emo Kids World line
of images at Simply Betty Stamps.
The Betty of Simply Betty Stamps is the same Betty Boo who
created the Burtonesque Dolls.
(just wanted to clarify why I included this card with this post)
If you haven't stopped by to check out these incredible images,
what are you waiting for?!

I used "Christian's" dragon pet with "Betty" because, A) I adore this little critter who resembles a tattoo on my back, and B) I needed to work green into this card, and Betty's chihuahua wouldn't work in green.
And this is why I needed to work some green into the project.
I used this handmade skully (that I made with my own little snausage fingers)
as the center of my fleur.
He glows in the dark too.
Cool huh?
Wanna touch me? 


  1. Congrat's on your new DT:0) Welcome to the Dolls, you're gonna be awesome!

  2. OOOHHHH a big CONGRATS! You're a perfect Doll and the card is just FAB! xxD

  3. Wow, congratulations Glo! I think you're the perfect person for the job! Great card! :)

  4. CONGRATULATIONS! :) And who WOULDN'T want to touch you?! Can't wait to see what all you do at TBD's.

    This little Betty number is fabulous! Great coloring, and LOVE the little skully :)

  5. Congrats! I can't think of anyone more perfect for this DT! I am looking forward to your Butonesque creations! :-)Traci

  6. OMG you will fit right in! Ok, hee hee, I've only been doing 4 challenges and I am saying that already. ha ha ha!! Your card is freakin awesome!! You made her so high classed creepy. hee hee

  7. When DON'T I want to touch you!!!! Very cool!
    XO Curse


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