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Sunday, June 27, 2010

It takes a long time to grow old friends

When I was 16 years old I placed an ad for pen pals in "Metal Forces",
a heavy metal magazine (we're talkin' 1986) from Europe.
Well, that summer I got a TON of mail from all over the world from metal heads, punks, skinheads, straight edges, etc.
You name it, I got a letter from that country and a kid in a black concert tee.
Over the years I have stopped writing to all of these people, but there is this one kid that just wont go away. 
His name is Corey, and we have been corresponding for almost 25 years!
We have never met, but we are still close after all is time.
This week Corey is celebrating his 7 years of sobriety.
Over the years Corey has not treated his body as a temple, and abused it considerably with sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll.
He always said he was going to die before he was 30 and I think he really meant to make that prediction come true.
Now, he has 7 years of sobriety, a beautiful wife, 4 gorgeous kids, a career that he finds truly fulfilling, and a 39th birthday on the horizon next week.
He is truly an inspiration to me and all of the people who have had
the honor of knowing him.
I love you Corey!
Your Dad would be so proud of you and the man you are today.

In case you haven't noticed the trend, this card was made entirely of Hambo Stamps.
Well, and a little help from my MS iron gate punch and some yummy velvet ribbon.


  1. I also used to adore writing to my pen pals! E-mail will never be able to replace the joy of receiving handwritten letters. Very cool card. I love the monster stamp!

  2. aww that's so touching!! I hope Corey has a perfect birthday!

  3. What a great story, and a beautiful Card

  4. Wow Gloria love this card!! Where did you get that MS border punch from?! That is soooo going on my list! Freakin LUV this image and your coloring !! Great card!

  5. Awwwww, I love you, too. It should be noted that, despite our start as "pen pals," we have grown to be close friends. So close, in fact, that you were one of the first calls I made when my Dad died. Add to that the fact that I feel comfortable calling and chatting with your husband and you have an odd friendship for people who've never met!

    You are the best and I really hold your friendship very dearly.

    Sobriety is good. Old friends are great! Here's to the next 39 years...

  6. glad to hear that he is making it to nearly 40 and his success, great card and the hambo are pretty cool x


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