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Friday, June 25, 2010

Final Father's Day card

Here is the Father's Day card I made for my FIL.
He is a huge Beatles fan, and his favorite Beatles song is
"Do you want to know a secret".

He loved it, and I enjoyed making it for him.
He is a really cool dude, considering he is a Trekkie computer geek.
I love nerds, so geekery hate mail is not necessary.
I am thankful to have him in our family,
and I have adopted him as my Dad. 


  1. No hate mail here but I was just going to say don't Trekkie computer geek and really cool dude go hand in hand? They do in my world!
    Great card! :-)Traci

  2. I LOVE IT! I'm a huge Beatles fan so this "ROCKS" me! :)

    Where did you get the image, it's adorable.

  3. I love that card! is that your Beatles design? where can I get it...I love the Beatles and so does my Hubby he would just love it!
    p.s. I love your blog you have such cool ideas!

  4. Groovy baby....yeah!!!
    Xo Curse

  5. Oh this is great! Now I'm gonna be singin' that song all day long, but that's okay. Bet he loved it! xxD


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