Current Design Teams

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Adios 5th grade!

My son just competed his last day of the 5th grade on Thursday.
He just started a charter school this year, and it has been a big
adjustment for him.
The workload is quite daunting, and his overall morale is a bit low.
I keep telling him it's for the best, and they are preparing him for college, but with only 6 weeks off for the summer and then back to school on August 3rd,
he's not buying it. 
So, to let him know how much his Dad and I appreciate his efforts, and his good grades, I made him this little card.
This image from Dustin Pike was perfect!
I made a boo-boo on the upper left corner, so I embellished it
with some not-so-matching fibers.
It's all I had!
My kiddo loved the card and got the message
that we love him and are very proud of him. 


  1. This is ADORABLE! And your coloring is fabulous... really... I mean it :)

  2. Awww that's sweet! Good for him! xxD

  3. Thanks for playing along at InStyle Stamps! I love that image - he's tooo cute!

  4. Awww... he's so cute! Great card, thanks for joining us at InStyle!

  5. OMG! This is sooooooooo cute! Fab card!
    Thanks for joining us at Instyle Stamps Challenge :)


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