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Monday, May 31, 2010

Wish You Were Here....

I realize that I'm a little late to be jumping on the
Alice in Wonderland band wagon, but I really couldn't help myself.
I have quite a few AIW stamps, but they are the vintage drawings, and not very 'cute' or fun to color.
But, when I saw this Ching-chou Kuik image at Sweet Pea Stamps, I had to have it!
It proved to be a bit of a challenge to color, in that it was difficult to stay in a color scheme that went well with a particular paper.
Hence, the black and white color scheme.
I did manage to color some ghost leaves with Copics and Stickles to add a bit of color besides the image.
I tried to use this cool technique that I saw on a few blogs, where they color the background with dots (pointillism), instead of solid color.
I decided to make the outer edges trail into spirals to sorta mimic the spirals in her hair. I like the way it turned out.  
How 'bout you?


  1. You have colored this beautifully, and I love the way you did the background with the dots! :-)Traci

  2. Absolutely STUNNING! Love that sentiment w/ the cat, too! This is fabulous!

  3. I think this is one of my fave Sweeet Pea images. Great job on coloring. I KWYM about coloring, though. I've started to do a couple of backgrounds that way myself. LOVE the effect! xxD


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