Current Design Teams

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Original Corpse Bride

Here is my card for the latest challenge over at the Burtonesque Dolls.
The challenge was "Corpse Bride", and my immediate reaction was to pull this stamp out.
I bought this image a while back from Stamp it Crazy, and intended to use it for a friend's bridal shower. However, I opted against it because sometimes my sense of humor is not funny to the masses, or the insecure, or the easily offended.
Unfortunately, my friend's fiance (now husband), fits a few of those examples, so 
I decided to make a 'nice' wedding card instead.
But, the idea and the theme is perfect for the challenge!
I have had this Frankenstein stamp for ages and never seem to use it enough.
Plus, I decided to use as much of the creepy ribbon as I can before every card on these challenges has it on them!
I previously divulged my source for the ribbon, and when I went to order some last week, the company was completely OUT!
Me thinks there is a conspiracy afoot!


  1. Oh wow, this is awesome! I agree with sending out these amazing cards, it can be a little tricky! I think we should all just send them to each other! I would be delighted to get this in the mail:) Thanks for joing the Dolls this week, it's always exciting to see what you come up with.

    I was about to follow your Blog and noticed I already am! Ahhhh so many fun blogs to follow.

  2. This is so cool. I totally love that stamp and your take on the "original bride" theme. Absolutely smashing! Thanks for joining us at TBD this week!

  3. Welcome to TBD this week!! What a great time to use both of your stamps. It's too bad not everyone has the same sense of ha ha that we have but they're just missin out and not as cool as us. LOL!! I like your ribbon too! I'm not surprised it got sold out. :) Love the idea of those images on your card. Very creative!
    Thanks for joining us!

  4. OMGosh!!!!This is totally really AWESOM!!!! I love everything about this....thanks for joining us at TBD!!!!

  5. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Love this card!


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