Current Design Teams

Monday, May 17, 2010

I shall call her, ...Astrid.

This weeks challenge over at The Burtonesque Dolls was to
create a something with a female who is likely to be cast in a movie
by Timmay himself. 
I won this batty little 'B', at Barb's Haunted Design House.
She had a "Teen Angst" challenge, and this honey was the prize.
Isn't she a funky little number? She is just one of the great
bits of rubber available over at Stampitcrazy.
So, I colored her in with Copics, mounted her on some oval
Spellbinders, added a couple Sizzlits scrolls and blinged 'em up a bit.
I mounted everything on that cool wallpaper I have and viola (said like the instrument, not the French term - I'm funny.) cute card! 


  1. LOVE HER! Tim needs to make a movie just for HER! Love the purple and that paper is fab! xxD

  2. Fabulous! LOVE the colors, funky paper, and of course the image :)

  3. WOW beautiful card! Beautiful coloring job!

    Thank you for joining us this week at The Burtonesque Dolls!


    And can I just say... I must have those coffin earrings on your side bar!

  4. Oooh I love her. what a fabulous card. Thanks for playing with the Dolls in this weeks challenge. hugs xo Jackie

  5. WOW....that is awesome!! I love the shades of purple!
    XO Curse

  6. She is awesome and I LOVE your card with her! BTW, thank you for the sweet comments you have left me lately on my blog! :-)Traci


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