Current Design Teams

Thursday, April 8, 2010

How embarrassing!

 Okay, maybe this has happened to someone else out there.
I was so excited to participate in the Stampotique Challenge this week, and I was instantly inspired so I got right to work putting ears on 'Bowtie'. 
I never bothered to even look at the other ladies' creations ('cept for Barb's 'cause she posted it on her blog) and today, as I am reading the chosen winners of the challenge and checking their entries, I see that someone has masterfully created a 'Karin' image using bunny ears! She was like the second entry!
My entry was like #16.
What a dork.
Now I have to come up with something creative and unique for the next challenge to redeem myself somehow.
Lesson learned: ALWAYS check the other entries of a challenge BEFORE you create your entry.
Lesson learned.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad at all! It has happened to me several times! Sometimes I just had the same idea as someone else, once or twice I saw something and then it sits subliminally in my head long enough that I forget I saw it and think it is my great idea!! I try to give credit when I know I got the idea from someone else! You are so creative, I know you will wow them! :-)Traci


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