Current Design Teams

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Home Sweet Home

I have been planning this card since I saw the release of this digi image
over at Hambo Stamps.
I just knew I was going to creep it out a bit, but my first attempt was to
paper piece it with Halloween papers. I am not a real labor intensive kinda crafter, so that was over before it really got too involved.
I was left with a partially colored image that didn't look half bad on it's own, so I finished coloring it in, and used it as the whole card, basically.
Not bad coloring for a non certified Copic user, 'eh?
I would love to attend a Copics class, but they are a bit expensive.
I would much rather have new pens, than a piece of paper
that tells me I know how to color.
There is a class being held within walking distance from my house,
but the lady that owns the shop is a stuck up prude, who is always less than helpful whenever I go to her store. Maybe it's the tattoos and the black tshirts with zombies on them that she doesn't care for, I dunno.
Too bad for her. I buy a TON of stuff all the time, just not at her store.
I like the door.
I want to paint my front door this color.
Don't think the husband will go for it though.
Oh! This is my entry for this week's Macabre Monday challenge which was
"Freaker's Free for all", or anything goes.


  1. Love the house! I'd move right in if you'd just give me the key. Your post made me laugh, too bad for the stuck up cow, it's her loss.

  2. don't need certification to know how to color! Sheez! LOL! You did awesome on this little creepy house! LOL!

    BTW...there's a little something on my blog for you! ;)

  3. Let the suck up prude be a stuck up prude. You don't need a certification because your colouring rocks.
    I would also love to have a purple door - when I own my own house or flat. Would be something different.

  4. FAB-U-LOUS card! Fantastic coloring, as usual, and that store owner just doesn't know who she's missing ;) Thanks so much for playing along with Macabre Monday!


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