Current Design Teams

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So Inspired

When I first found out about Barb, and her Haunted Design House blog I was a fan instantly! I felt as though I had found a kindred spirit in Barb, and her love of the macabre and Halloween.
I made a promise to myself that I would participate in ALL of the fabulously inspiring challenges that Barb comes up with every Monday, for her "Macabre Monday Challenges".
Well, I haven't played along in a loooong time. Too long actually. I have made projects, but I seem to keep missing the deadline (5 o'clock!!!), or I never quite finish what I was working on.
When I read this week's Macabre Monday challenge, I was instantly inspired and wasted no time getting my s*it together for this one!
I give you, "Gothic Asian Persuasion".
I have had this set for quite a while. I have always wanted to use it, but never had the right papers, or whatever. When I read the challenge I knew exactly how I was going to use these stamps.
For starters, there were a bunch of butterflies flying by the geisha and I turned them all into bats with the help of my Copic multiliner. I also gave her some 'sinister' eyebrows as well.
And I just knew I had to set fire to that pagoda.
(need to work on my flame coloring though)
I had great fun drawing and modifying these images to fit the challenge.
I had so much fun, I actually have 2 entries for this week's challenge, but I'm gonna save the second one for tomorrow.
What a tease.  


  1. Man, it's about time! :) Just kidding (well, maybe... just a little)
    I LOVE THIS! Firey pagoda, the geisha with all of the bats... fantastic! Thanks so much for playing along with Macabre Monday! (we've missed you)

  2. Creepy,
    Your card remind me of Avatar the Last Air Bender. It's so fire nation.

    BTW, I got some Sweet Pea stamps if you're interested in swapping?

  3. Butterflies to bats!!! That is so cool!!!! Love the entire card!

    Curse XO

  4. This ROCKS!!!! How very super creative!!

  5. Your geisha is amazing! I love that you changed the butterflies in to bats! Brilliant! It really looks great!


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