Current Design Teams

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Monster in the closet

I just couldn't resist getting in on the fantabulous deal Dustin Pike was offering today/tonight only. Almost all of his images (over 50 easy!) were for sale this evening for $25! That's right! Quite the bargain, and for me, that's all I need to rationalize this unplanned/unbudgeted purchase.
I adore this monster image and I think it goes pretty well with this sentiment from Hambo (I've got a better one for the next post though).


  1. That's amazing, I love the monster! Super cute

  2. I was very tempted by that sale too, but resisted at the last minute. Now I'm kinda wishing I hadn't had so much willpower. Great card!

  3. This is freakin' adorable! Look at that face... and the sentiment is pretty funny, too :)


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