Current Design Teams

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dem Bones

Did I ever mention how much I love skulls? I have quite few skull tattoos and when it come to decorating, skulls are the way to go. I must get it from my Grandparents who were magicians and were married on Halloween. They decorated with skulls and Halloween items since I can remember, and I have pretty much done the same with my home. I have quite an extensive collection of masks from around the world (thanks in part to Ross and Cost Plus, not to mention the occasional yard sale find), a large gargoyle/Gryphon collection and a really creepy death mask and some great Halloween pieces I have collected through the years. I fancy myself a rather "eclectic collector".

Oh, yeah, more emboss resist techniques on more cute cards next to more cool GID and glittery skulls I made. Ta-daa!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't notice this card on your blog before -- I LOVE it!! Fun layout!


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