Current Design Teams

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The best of fiends

Here is my submission for Barb's Haunted Design House Macabre Monday Challenge. This week's challenge was to only use black, white, purple, orange,and chartreuse colors on your project.

I finally got my Penney-Torrente stamps and I couldn't get ink on them fast enough! It really didn't matter what the next challenge was, I was going to use these stamps no matter what!
Something made me see these two unique young ladies as best ghoul fiends. When you are a unique individual it is hard to find people who "get" you. When you finally see someone who looks like you, you usually bond instantly. That's how I made most of my friends in school. I wasn't as trendy as the ghouls here, rather I was a "Rocker" who wore only 501's, concert tees, and high tops. Some things never change save for the 501's(now stretchy waistbands, please), the hightops have been replaced with flip flops, and the concert tees of days gone by no longer fit and have been replaced with Toxic Toons shirts instead. Still unique and immature, just like high school. 


  1. I LOVE THIS! Fantastic coloring, Gloria, and I love the little bit o' blinginess you've added... not to mention luvin' the stamp images themselves, but you already knew that ;) Thanks for playing along with Macabre Monday!

  2. This is a fabulopus card (and those images are so cool!) I had to go check them out! :-)Traci

  3. I LOVE the one with the pig-tails! The other one totally cute also! Your coolness never ceases to AMAZE me!!!
    XO Curse


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