Current Design Teams

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Soggy Spring Break

It has been raining most of the week and that really sucks if you are my son and are on spring break. He has another chance for a sunny vacation next week since he gets TWO weeks off for break. Crazy, I know. I, on the other hand, have been enjoying the wet weather as it gives me a chance to get into my "crafting cockpit", and create. This hummingbird is an adorable stamp that I picked up at the San Jose stamp expo a month or so ago from the Magenta booth . I'm still learning how to use my Copics, so I decided to watercolor this little guy instead.

I promised myself that I would save all of my Greeting Farm creations for the blog hop, but I will sacrifice this one for your viewing pleasure.

This is one of my very favorite images and quotes to use. So fun and quirky.

And finally, here is the gargoyle, Gary, who guards my front porch. I fancy myself something of a novice photog, and like to incorporate my photos in my cards.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you!!! Such a big girl with your blog and showing off your totally killer cards!!!!


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