Current Design Teams

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blog Hop Entries

I am so excited to be participating my very first Blog Hop! This has been quite a week or two for me and all of my cyber firsts. I thought just starting a blog was a major accomplishment, and now I have won a contest on TGF Gallery and I'm involved in a blog hop!
Will the fun never end?!

Okay, here we go!

Here is fisherman Ian with his big catch! I really like the color combo and I think the little lure is a nice touch.

I am really pleased with how this card turned out since it has a very "soft" feel to it. I am usually all about the bright and vivid colors, so this is a nice change for me. I used the Geisha Anya and a sentiment kanji that translates to "Much Happiness".

This card is an Anniversary card I made for my husband for our 13th year of "wedded bliss". After showing some friends, they have been putting in orders for their anniversaries as well. It's hard to find a card with skulls and stuff for your anniversary.

This card is something I had in mind for a dear friend who is getting married for the first time. She's a little over 40, and finally found someone worthy of her. I am so happy for her and wanted to make something unique and pink like my friend, Dani.
I used the Geisha Anya image and an image from CTMH for the kanji that translates to "Forever in My Heart".

Click here to return to the list of creative bloggers participating in this hop.

Feel free to scroll down and peruse my short but growing blog.


  1. These are all increcible! Great job!

  2. Oh my gosh - all of your creations are just fabulously fabulous! I hope the fun never ends!

  3. wow have you been busy lovely cards the geishas are my fav love the colours

  4. love them all but that geisha just rocks!

  5. Wonderful set of cards, especially the fisher ian such pretty color combination!

  6. Gorgeous cards I love the soft colours you have used on the geisha girl its beautiful and I love the skulls! and the fisherman is just so much fun.
    Tracy x

  7. All of these are just amazing!! I can't believe you haven't been blogging for very long! You did such a great job of laying out your cards and using just the right papers! But your coloring is just beautiful! Seriously! You did an incredible job of picking out just the right accessories to enhance your cards!


  8. These are all so sweet. I love your Geishas!! And Rock the Farm Ian always makes me smile. Great job!

  9. Oh these are gorgeous.... I especially like that fishing one. The colors are sharp, and it's just gorgeous!
    Great Work
    Lynda =)

  10. These are all fantastic! That black and pink Geisha Anya card is my favorite! It is STUNNING!

  11. Oooh your cards are so pretty! I love the colours and details!

  12. I love them all. Truly gorgeous!

  13. I love your little gallery tonight! The cards are just wonderful, I love that anniversary card as it is so customized. :D Your picture taking is adorable with all the added elements around the card. Nice job!

  14. WOW!! Your work is amazing. Soooo talented!

  15. This is JUST an amazing little lineup...WOW! I LOVE the skulls card w/ Anya and Ian...too awesome! You have mad skillz lady...I LOVE seeing your work! Thanks so much for playing and hope you had agraet time!

  16. I really like all of your projects, they are so unique.

  17. Wow, you made alot of cards, all amazing! I think that lure is perfect on that first one!

  18. I like your art! It's definitely different, but that's what's cool about it. I especially like your anniversary card. Perfect! And your Geisha is stunning.

  19. I love the lure on your fishing card! Everything is so cute! Great job!

  20. This Geisha one is gorgeous!

  21. The Geisha is gorgeous!! Wait...they all are lol...awesome work!

  22. These are so gorgeous!!! Great Job

  23. I love all of your cards, but I especially love the anniversary one! Very cool and very personalized.

  24. Hi,

    I had to give up leaving comments half way thru the hop last night in order to get done in time, but I wanted to come back and let you know your projects is super cute great way to change things up!!!

    I think we all had a fun time making our creations for the Hop!!!!

    That 1st Geisha with the light pinks totally rocks!!!

    I added your blog on my follow list too!!!



Feel free to comment or just vent.