Current Design Teams

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

SDC:270 - Text Background

The current theme at

This is one of those projects where you are immediately inspired by an image
and are thankful when it all pans out in the end.  

The new Merman stamp called, 'Snuhubala', by Daniel Torrente
is a perfect fit for his mermaid (one of three), 'Smumanha'.

I got lots of dimension by using various layers of doilies and die cuts.
And then used lots of foam dots on the happy couple for ultimate lift.

For my text background, I used an old dictionary page from a dictionary
I've had since high school. Quite vintage and nicely yellowed. I splattered some
Dylusions sprays to add some color, and added a love die cut for the sentiment.

I am quite happy with how this project worked out.
It's nice when something happens organically and as close to perfect as possible.

Thanks for dropping by my lonely little blog....

Be sure to check out all of the incredible art inspired by the text background theme

Monday, March 20, 2017

Aurora Wings: #46 Sketch Challenge

Just wanted to pop in quickly today with my card for the new theme at 
The theme is actually a sketch, which I have decided I am rather fond of.
I struggle so  much with the layout of a card, it's nice to have the guess work
taken out for me with a sketch.

I decided to use the sweet Pierrot Sprite for the card.

Such an adorable and painfully sweet image.
Great for so many sentiments, but unfortunately
it is perfect for a sympathy card. I have the need 
for a few of those this month.

Thanks for dropping by today.

Be sure to pop by the challenge blog and check out the fun and inspiring sketch,
along with all of the fabulous DT samples.

Friday, March 10, 2017

SDC:268 Ribbon and Lace

I am in the mood for spring to be here.
I am so tired of the much needed rain here in California. 
We are saturated and ready for the sun and temps in the 70's.
With that all in mind, I went super Spring-y with my card for the 
current challenge at 

I used one of the new release stamps from last month, #13025  'Terra Cotta Bunny' .
He is super cute and perfect for any bunny lover or Easter/Spring cards.  

As most folks already know, I'm not much of a frilly or fancy girl,
so ribbons and lace kinda make my skin crawl. Unless it's black.
BUT, I put on my girly girl panties and used white crocheted lace and 
some bright colored ribbons to thread through the buttons.

Lastly, I added Stickles for sparkle and interest.
My Grandma is going to love this card. Which is the whole point of making
cards. To spread joy and let people know I'm thinking of them.  

Thanks so much for dropping by and checking out my lacy bits.
to see more inspiring work and maybe even join us in our challenges.
We're also on facebook!! We'd love to see what you've been making with